I am Helena Villares, undergraduate student in Physics at University of Barcelona. In this website you will find my High School Erasmus+ project for Technological branch students Touching the past to reach the future in which I participated during the school year 2021-2022. Our Erasmus+ partner schools are from Greece, Italy, Czech Republic, Turkey and Spain.

Some of the project objectives are:

  1. To create a Sky Sphere with positions of my Supernova and exoplanets.
  2. To analyse a light curve and a Doppler spectrum to know radius and mass of my exoplanets from my constellations.
  3. To analyse a X-Ray Spectrum of RX J1713.7-3946 Supernova in order to obtain its chemical composition.

Here you will see my Skysphere with sky objects from the following four constellations:

  • Sagittarius
  • Scorpius
  • Sculptor
  • Scutum